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From Anthropology Department, University of New Brunswick (UNB)
Arnold August is a Montreal-based author, journalist and lecturer who has written extensively on contemporary Cuba. He holds a master’s degree in political science from McGill University, Montreal. From the mid-1970s to 1994 he worked as a researcher, political and trade union activist. His third book on Cuba, published by Fernwood Publishing, is entitled CUBA–U.S. RELATIONS: Obama and Beyond, released in April 2017. Arnold will host a short lecture and Q & A on Friday, November 17, from 11:30 to 12:20.
A talk and discussion at the University of New Brunswick, in the eastern Atlantic region of Canada: Anthropology course on Racism and Latin America.
Providing Arnold August’s views on race in Cuba. Students had lots of questions and showed interest in Cuba’s complicated reality.
However, what triggered the most debate and discussion was the short presentation of the book CUBA–U.S. RELATIONS. The focus was the portion of the book that deals with Cuban resistance to the U.S.–led cultural war against Cuba’s socialist culture. Culture is defined here in the large sense of the term to include the artistic field, politics and ideology. They were intrigued by the work of bloggers and writers such as Iroel Sánchez, Luis Toledo Sande and Elier Ramírez and others as well as Cubadebate and the differences between the main “official media” and this revolutionary growing online trend.
Some book-signing took place and the University library acquisitioned the book.
The discussion continued after the formal class in the student pub.
In this informal venue, in addition to further discussing the role of Cuban on line opposition to the cultural war, the students and the author also dealt on a lengthy basis with elections and democracy in the U.S. Both the author and students, among which was an American student, all seemed to have learned a lot. There does not seem to be any illusions whatsoever about the American two–party system and the so-called “lesser of two evils” as a solution for Americans and the world.
Una charla y discusión en la Universidad de New Brunswick, Fredericton en la región atlántica oriental de Canadá: Curso de Antropología sobre Racismo y América Latina.
Proporcionando las opiniones de Arnold August sobre la raza en Cuba. Los estudiantes tuvieron muchas preguntas y mostraron interés en la complicada realidad de Cuba.
Sin embargo, lo que provocó más debate y discusión fue la breve presentación del libro CUBA-U.S. RELACIONES. Es la parte del libro que trata sobre la resistencia cubana a la guerra cultural liderada por los Estados Unidos contra la cultura socialista de Cuba. La cultura se define aquí en el sentido amplio del término para incluir el campo artístico, la política y la ideología. Estaban intrigados por el trabajo de blogueros y escritores como Iroel Sánchez, Luis Toledo Sande y Elier Ramírez y otros, así como por Cubadebate y las diferencias entre los principales "medios oficiales" cubanos y esta tendencia revolucionaria en linea.
La discusión continuó después de la clase formal en el pub estudiantil.
Además de intercambiar opiniones sobre el tema anterior, los estudiantes y el autor también trataron extensamente las elecciones y la democracia en los Estados Unidos. Tanto el autor como los estudiantes, entre los que se encontraba un estudiante estadounidense, todos parecían tener aprendieron mucho. No parece haber ninguna ilusión en el sistema bipartidista estadounidense y el llamado "menor de los males" como una solución para los estadounidenses y el mundo.
For photos and reports of other book events of the same Tour, click here
For photo and comments of the United Kingdom Tour, click here