LA JIRIBILLA/Arnold August. La acción y el pensamiento de Fidel hoy enfrentan huracanes

Por Arnold August, Canadá, LA JIRIBILLA.

25 de noviembre del 2017

Fidel siempre se mantenía cercano al terreno y ánimo de su gente durante todos los huracanes.
Foto: Cubadebate

El 22 de octubre de 2017, alrededor de las 11:30 pm, llego de Canadá al Aeropuerto Internacional José Martí, en La Habana, donde me está esperando René González Barrientos, presidente del Instituto de Historia de Cuba. Ha venido a recogerme a pesar de haberle pedido que no lo hiciera, dadas sus importantes responsabilidades en la organización del II Simposio Internacional La Revolución Cubana: génesis y desarrollo histórico. René insiste en que, en mi calidad de invitado, es su responsabilidad hacerlo. Solos, en un coche y sin conductor, halamos mi pesado equipaje cargado con libros para hacer una presentación en la capital cubana. Nos dirigimos hacia el modesto pero muy acogedor Hotelito del Partido Comunista de Cuba.

Es mi primera visita a Cuba después del devastador huracán Irma. Después de indagar acerca de su salud y la de su esposa y familia, le pregunto acerca de la situación en Cuba después de Irma. Lo que sigue es el equivalente a un discurso magistral adaptado a las circunstancias, mientras conduce un coche en La Habana a altas horas de la noche.

René señala de forma entusiasta y descriptiva cómo Cuba se recupera del huracán, cual consecuencia de la acción y pensamiento de Fidel para enfrentarlos, como si uno hubiese estado presente en cada uno de los enormes esfuerzos de recuperación durante los numerosos huracanes que se han abalanzado sobre el archipiélago desde 1959. Varios son los aspectos acerca de cómo Fidel confrontaba los “golpes de los fenómenos naturales” (haciendo quizás referencia al golpe de Estado de Batista, derrocado durante la Revolución Cubana).

Una de esas características es la estrategia, inspirada por Fidel, de mantener reservas para enfrentar las incursiones militares o naturales en Cuba, sin dejar ningún cabo suelto. El destacado historiador y anfitrión lleva como audiencia tan sólo a una persona ávida de esta experiencia en el tiempo y el espacio, confiando en la política de su país, como bien lo hace él mientras conduce, con frecuencia, en condiciones difíciles.

Desde los primeros huracanes que sacudieron violentamente las palmas −y mucho más después del Triunfo de la Revolución− Fidel elaboró su pensamiento con un doble enfoque: salvar vidas y mantener informada a la gente. Así, hablando metafóricamente, la Palma Real, árbol nacional de Cuba, se mantiene fuerte a pesar de las repetidas agresiones.

Llegamos al Hotelito. René insiste en tomar el tiempo necesario para asegurarse que el huésped sea bien recibido y acomodado, sin dejar pasar ningún detalle.

Es conveniente añadir que, debido a las inspecciones de Fidel en el terreno y al ánimo de su gente durante todos los huracanes, él sigue siendo una leyenda que cobra vida una vez más a través de las fotografías publicadas por Cubadebate, luego de los estragos de Irma. ¿Siguen siendo las acciones del Comandante, así como sus ideas, aún válidas como ejemplo actualmente?

Sí, su ejemplo de sacrificio en la lucha contra estos “golpes de Estado” continúa vigente y floreciendo. Durante Irma, por ejemplo, desde mi casa en Montreal, vi en la televisión cubana una excelente entrevista a un trabajador en una de las zonas más devastadas en la costa norte central de Cuba. Mientras terminaba lo peor de las operaciones de recuperación en su región, declaró naturalmente que él y su brigada de trabajadores se dirigían a La Habana ¡para apoyar los esfuerzos allí desplegados!

Aun cuando, dada su modestia, es posible que a René puedan no gustarle las siguientes palabras, hoy, al conmemorarse el primer aniversario del fallecimiento de Fidel, es oportuno afirmar que la pasión y la profundidad con la que el historiador expuso sus opiniones acerca de la tradición de lucha de Fidel contra los desastres naturales, recuerdan al mismo Fidel. La obra de René, así como muchos otros ejemplos similares en Cuba, constituye otra prueba de que el trabajo y la acción de Fidel siguen siendo válidos actualmente.

Supongo que esa es la razón por la cual los enemigos de la Revolución Cubana intentan, como lo hicieron hace un año, desacreditar −directa o indirectamente y de manera cobarde− la vigencia actual de Fidel. Sin embargo, las palmeras cubanas continúan estoicas, enfrentando la tormenta de la continua agresión dirigida por Occidente contra la cultura socialista cubana.

Arnold August, periodista y conferencista canadiense, es el autor de los libros Democracy in Cuba and the 1997–98 Elections (1999), Cuba y sus vecinos: Democracia en movimiento (2014) y Relaciones Cuba-EE.UU.: ¿Que ha cambiado? (2018). Twitter: @Arnold_August FaceBook: Arnold August


Che Conference, Vancouver! CUBA! Great speakers. Don’t miss them!

Che Conference, Vancouver!


Great speakers. Don’t miss them!

If you live in the Vancouver area, I urge you to attend and help the organizers spread the word. If you do not live there, then please help circulate the information emerging out of the Conference.

You can catch me at the conference in these two venues.

Both at:



Sunday October 29

Time: 11h05

Keynote address on my latest book Cuba-U.S. Relations: Obama and Beyond.

The “beyond” contains my analysis of the Trump Cuba Policy

Introduction: Ricardo Alarcón, Foreword: Keith Ellis

Sunday October 29

Time: 3h05

Workshop on my second book, Cuba and It’s Neighbours: Democracy in Motion.

This is a first for me, thanks to the organizers who invited me to lead a workshop on democracy and elections in Cuba. Nothing new. However, I will be signing all three of my books at the same event:

Democracy in Cuba and the 1997-1998 Elections (1999)

Cuba and Its Neighbours: Democracy in Motion (2013)

Cuba-US Relations: Obama and Beyond (2017)

Introduction: Ricardo Alarcón, Foreword: Keith Ellis

A first. Looking forward to it.

In fact, as a result of the elections going on in Cuba at this time and a heightened interest in how the next president of the Cuban Councils of State and Ministers is to be elected in February 2018, I am seriously considering a “virtual” book launch through internet on this ground-breaking book.

There is no other recent book that deals with the entire process of Cuban elections as they are going on now, as well as how the different levels of government function after elections. It is a balanced text which opens up its pages to the opinions of Cuban revolutionary specialists, who are almost all Party members, as to how they think that the political system can be improved.

It is also used by some Cuban elected officials and civil servants in the debate on how to improve the system. In fact, Ricardo Alarcón, in his Prologue to the book, writes that it makes a valuable contribution for Cubans interested in improving its democracy by making it even more democratic.

My published analysis of the previous elections provides a blue-print of how this process is to take place at this time.

Moreover, the entire book is based on more than thirty exclusive interviews in Havana. Specialists from all walks of life share their views, now made available to the English-speaking world, many for the first time.

Thus, my second book deals with the controversial question of elections and people’s participation not as a dry sterile schematic account, but from the “inside.”


Cuba-U.S. Relations, Vancouver, B.C.

Book launch and discussion

Cuba-US Relations: Obama and Beyond

by Arnold August

Trump’s Cuba Policy

Introduction: Ricardo Alarcón, Foreword: Keith Ellis


Wednesday November 1st

6:30 PM

People’s Co-op Bookstore

1391 Commercial Drive

Vancouver, B.C.

 Hosted by Fernwood Publishing and People’s Co-op Bookstore

NEW on Cuba-U.S. Relations! On September 29, the US decided to withdraw 27 people from its Embassy in Havana leaving only a skeleton staff. (It was re-opened in the summer of 2015 a result of the accord reached by Presidents Raúl Castro and Barack Obama on December 17, 2014.) On October 3 at 9 AM the U.S. State Department phoned the Cuban Ambassador to Washington informing him that 15 Cuba diplomats must leave the US within seven days. On the same day, at 3 PM, the Cuban Minister of Foreign Affairs, Bruno Rodríguez held a Press Conference in Havana. He once again strongly rejected the false accusation of “sonic” attacks against US diplomats.

What is happening? What are the facts?

This will be a theme of his presentation contextualized in the book’s analysis of Trump’s Cuba policy. Listen to and discuss with Montreal author and Cuba expert Arnold August as he launches in Vancouver his third book on Cuba.

All author’s royalties from the sale of the book at this event will be donated to the CNC’s Hurricane Irma Relief & Reconstruction for Cuba Campaign



Any open-minded discussion about the asymmetrical Cuba–U.S. Relations should start with this highly readable, informative book.

— James D. Cockcroft, three-time Fulbright Scholar

An expert on Cuba, Arnold August offers a revealing view of the conflict between Washington and Havana and the foreign policy of the United States vis-à-vis the island.

— Salim Lamrani, Sorbonne Paris IV University

This book could not have been timelier. With Fidel Castro’s death focusing outside attention on Cuba’s future and with Trump’s election throwing U.S.–Cuban “normalization” into question, Arnold August contests the common assumptions and public rhetoric about Cuban politics and about that “normalization.”

— Antoni Kapcia, University of Nottingham

August provides the reader with a bridge across time and nations to understand the changes that have led to the “normalization” of Cuba–U.S. Relations and serves as a guide to the Trump future.

— Helen Yaffe, London School of Economics

Here at last for English-speaking readers is a full overview of U.S. relations with Cuba from Cuban points of view. The book is essential background for understanding whatever President Trump has in store.

— Cliff DuRand, Morgan State University

Arnold August is one of the foremost experts on Cuba and the 1959 Revolution, which continues to shake the world. In this new book, August puts forth a valuable, detailed account of U.S.–Cuba relations dating back to 1783 and continuing to the present time. August shows that this relationship has centred on the U.S.’s attempts, sometimes successfully, to dominate Cuba and exploit it as its own playground and, in the case of Guantánamo, as a maximum-security prison. As he shows, the 1959 Revolution broke the U.S. hold over Cuba, and the U.S. has tried desperately, and many times violently, to regain its control over the island. Obama opened diplomatic ties with Cuba for the first time in 50 years. August explains what this opening means for both countries, and where he sees U.S.–Cuba relations heading after the death of Fidel Castro at age 90 and the rise of U.S. President Donald Trump. For those who want a fresh and reasoned perspective on Cuba and U.S. relations — and with it a perspective very different from that which we get from the mainstream Western media — this book is a must-read.

— Daniel Kovalik, teacher of international human rights, University of Pittsburgh, School of Law

In his third book, August highlights the many roadblocks on the way to normalization. Unlike many mainstream “cubanologists”, who are blind to imperial arrogance, he places the onus squarely on U.S. prejudices. Regime change remains the ultimate objective under a new disguise. A cultural war has been targeting the younger generations. New Plattists [those in favour of annexation to the U.S.] are showing up. August’s deft analysis, firmly grounded in a prolonged exposure to Cuban history and debates while mapping out the possible future developments, makes for an enlightening book.

— Claude Morin, professor (retired) of Latin American history, Université de Montréal

Arnold August’s new book on Cuba dispels the propaganda and myths perpetuated by both the U.S. corporate media and the Obama administration and provides valuable insights into what we might expect from a Trump government in the post-Fidel era. August lays bare the realities of Obama’s policies toward Cuba by methodically revealing how his administration’s engagement with the island constituted a shift in tactics while retaining Washington’s decades-long objective of achieving regime change to bring the socialist nation back into the U.S. sphere of influence. It also highlights our narrow definition of democracy by challenging the repeated assertions that Cuba is a dictatorship. This book is a must-read for understanding the constantly evolving imperialist strategies of the United States, not only in Cuba, but throughout the world in the 21st century.

— Garry Leech, independent journalist and teacher of international politics, Cape Breton University

Arnold August’s bristling collection of interventions vigorously debunks U.S.-centric misrepresentations of Cuban society and of Obama’s new ‘regime change’ strategy. It also engages critically with Cuban intellectuals and bloggers fighting in the ‘Cultural War,’ challenging the Revolution’s cohesion since the 2014 ‘normalization’ process began. With its withering anti-imperialism and comradely criticism of Cuban realities, this timely book will open many eyes and raise many hackles.

— Steve Ludlam, was a senior lecturer (retired), University of Sheffield, and editorial board member, International Journal of Cuban Studies. Steve has since passed away. A great loss. We miss him.

In Cuba–U.S. Relations: Obama and Beyond, Arnold August provides an incisive analysis of the process that led to the rapprochement between the United States and Cuba under the leadership of Raúl Castro and Barack Obama, as well as further developments since. The book is a timely and valuable source of clear analysis of Cuba–U.S. relations at the dawn of the Trump era, and an indispensable tome for activists and others interested in furthering normalized relations between Cuba and the U.S. and asserting Cuba’s right to self-determination and sovereignty over all its territory.

— Pepe Ross, adjunct professor, University of Albany, State University of New York


FERNWOOD PUBLISHING: “Against the background of the history of Cuba–U.S. interconnectedness and in light of Obama’s ini­tiative and Trump’s election, Arnold August deals with the relationship between the two countries, delving into past and current U.S. aggression against Cuba’s artistic field, ideology and politics. Based on twenty years of fieldwork in and investigation of Cuba, this book provides a unique perspective on the island’s diverse approaches to the cultural war being waged by the U.S. and illustrates the heterogeneous nature of Cuban society.”


Arnold August has an M.A. in political science from McGill University, Montreal, where he resides. His books include DEMOCRACY IN CUBA AND THE 1997-98 ELECTIONS, CUBA AND ITS NEIGHBOURS: DEMOCRACY IN MOTION (Fernwood Publishing/Zed Books, 2013), CUBA-U.S. RELATIONS: OBAMA AND BEYOND (Fernwood, 2017). An accomplished journalist, he contributes articles in English and Spanish to websites in the United States, Canada, Cuba, Latin America and Europe. Since 1997, he has spent extended periods in Cuba pursuing his intensive investigations.

Message de salutations de Mara Bilbao Díaz, Consule Générale de la République de Cuba à Montréal

À l’occasion du lancement de livre CUBA–U.S. RELATIONS à la Librairie Paragraphe le 11 octobre, 2017

Mara Bilbao Díaz

Merci  Arnold de nous avoir donné l’occasion de nous rencontrer aujourd’hui, et de pouvoir parler un peu sur les relations entre Cuba et les États-Unis, une relation difficile et toujours pleine de difficultés entre une petite île et le pays le plus puissant du monde.

Nous apprecions le soutient d’Arnold August pendant plus de vingt ans à la défense de la Révolution cubaine, et son beau geste de faire don des bénéfices obtenus, des présentations du livre à Ottawa, à Montréal et à Toronto, aux victimes de l’ouragan Irma à Cuba.

Ce livre apparaît dans une étape d’incertitude et de régression dans les relations entre Cuba et les États-Unis. Pour cette raison, la lecture de ce livre guide au lecteur pour une meilleure compréhension de l’histoire de la relation entre les deux pays.

Heureusement, il existe de nombreuses institutions aux États-Unis qui ne partagent pas l’action du gouvernement américain actuel, et qui pensent que Cuba et les États-Unis ont beaucoup à gagner avec une meilleure relation. Cuba présentera encore une fois auprès des Nations Unies, le 1er novembre, une résolution visant à dénoncer le blocus économique et commercial imposé par les États-Unis depuis près de 60 (soixante ans) contre Cuba. Une initiative similaire à celle reçue par l’ONU depuis 1992 (mille nef cent quatre-vingt – douze) avec un fort soutien.

Le blocus continue à être, aujourd’hui, plus fort que jamais, causant des dommages à tous les cubaines et cubains qu’habitons dans l’île. Le blocus affecte tous les secteurs du développement de la nation:  l’agriculture, la santé, l’éducation, le sport et il ne s’agit pas d’une question bilatérale entre deux pays, la nature extraterritoriale du blocus reste très vigoreuse.

Les mesures récemment annoncées par le gouvernement des États-Unis, sans résultats de recherche concluants et aucune preuve des incidents allégués, ont un caractère éminemment politique, et elles ne bénéficient qu’à une minorité cherchant à faire échouer les relations entre les deux pays.

La volonté de Cuba c’est de continuer à négocier avec les États-Unis, sur la base de l’égalité et du respect absolu pour la souveraineté et l’indépendance de notre pays et de poursuivre le dialogue respectueux et la coopération sur des sujets d’intérêts communs.

New! Venezuela and Cuba. Toronto.

Everyone welcome. Toronto, October 13.

Miguel Díaz-Canel, first vice president of Cuba’s Councils of State and Ministers gave a speech during the ceremony marking the 50th anniversary of the death of Che and his compañero. He said:

“Political interests in the sister Republic of Venezuela are attempting to prevent Venezuelans from freely exercising their right to self-determination, with the United States applying unjust sanctions. However, faithful to our internationalist vocation, we once again reaffirm Cuba’s support for the Bolivarian and Chavista people and the government led by Nicolás Maduro.”

At the Toronto book launch of CUBA–U.S. RELATIONS, Arnold August will deal (among others) with this issue of Venezuela in the context of the analysis in his book: The Obama Cuba policy is part of the new American offensive to regain control over Latin America, including both Venezuela and Cuba, using the “carrot” for Cuba (now with the Trump trademark) and “stick” (Venezuela) policy. However, this does not work as Miguel Díaz-Canel just confirmed.

We are honoured with the presence of the Consul General of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela in Toronto, Luis Acuña Cedeño, who will have a message of greetings and be available in the question and answer period.

Full information here:

A Different Booklist FaceBook:

Web site:

Julio Fonseca York University: One of Panelists for Toronto Book Launch of Cuba-U.S. Relations

All are invited to the Toronto launch of Arnold August’s latest book, Cuba–U.S. Relations: Obama and Beyond.

The evening will feature a panel discussion with Arnold August, Keith Ellis, Julio Fonseca, and moderated by Elizabeth Hill (CCFA, Toronto).

Friday, October 13 at 6:30 PM – 9:30 PM

A Different Booklist

777-779 Bathurst Street, Toronto, Ontario M5S 0B7

Bathurst Station Eastbound Platform

Sponsored by Fernwood Publishing and A Different Booklist

Julio Fonseca. M.A. Applied and Theoretical Linguistics. Department of Languages, Literatures and Linguistics York University, Toronto Course Director, Spanish and Portuguese Section, D.L.L.L., Spanish Business Communication and Culture, Schulich School of Business, York University.

Further information: FaceBook-{%22ref%22:%22106%22,%22action_history%22:%22null%22}

And web site-


All are invited to the Toronto launch of Arnold August’s latest book, Cuba–U.S. Relations: Obama and Beyond.

The evening will feature a panel discussion with Arnold August, Keith Ellis, Julio Fonseca, and moderated by Elizabeth Hill (CCFA, Toronto).

Friday, October 13 at 6:30 PM – 9:30 PM

A Different Booklist

777-779 Bathurst Street, Toronto, Ontario M5S 0B7

Bathurst Station Eastbound Platform

Sponsored by Fernwood Publishing and A Different Booklist

Keith Ellis. Born in Jamaica. Professor Emeritus, Department of Spanish and Portuguese, University of Toronto, and Professor of Merit. Doctor honoris causa from the University of Havana and the Order of Distinction from the government of Jamaica. He is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada. Author of the Foreword to Cuba–U.S. Relations: Obama and Beyond.

“Arnold August brings to the task his finest gift, his superbly developed talent as a journalist, understanding this to mean the habit of assessing different aspects and representations of reality, so that he offers an ultimate fairness to the reasonable and humane reader. August constantly exhibits a related attribute: his remarkable power of analysis. The two together make the experience of reading him an enlightening one.”

— Keith Ellis

Further information: FaceBook-{%22ref%22:%22106%22,%22action_history%22:%22null%22}

And web site-

Toronto launch of Arnold August’s latest book, Cuba–U.S. Relations: Obama and Beyond

Trump’s Cuba Policy

NEW on Cuba-U.S. Relations! On September 29, the US decided to withdraw 27 people from its Embassy in Havana leaving only a skeleton staff. (It was re-opened in the summer of 2015 a result of the accord reached by Presidents Raúl Castro and Barack Obama on December 17, 2014.) On October 3 at 9 AM the U.S. State Department phoned the Cuban Ambassador to Washington informing him that 15 Cuba diplomats must leave the US within seven days. On the same day, at 3 PM, the Cuban Minister of Foreign Affairs, Bruno Rodríguez held a Press Conference in Havana. He once again rejected the false accusation of “sonic” attacks against US diplomats. They are being used as a pretext for the hasty U.S. actions.


What is happening? What are the facts?


This will be the main theme of his Panel presentation contextualized in the book’s analysis of Trump’s Cuba policy. Listen to and discuss with author and Cuba expert Arnold August as he launches his third book on Cuba in Toronto.

We have a very prestigious panel consisting of KEITH ELLIS and JULIO FONSECA. Do not miss their presentations!

The evening will feature a panel discussion with author Arnold August,

Keith Ellis,

and Julio Fonseca,

and moderated by Elizabeth Hill (CCFA, Toronto).

Friday, October 13 at 6:30 PM – 9:30 PM

A Different Booklist

777-779 Bathurst Street, Toronto, Ontario M5S 0B7

Bathurst Station Eastbound Platform

Sponsored by Fernwood Publishing and A Different BookList

Keith Ellis. Born in Jamaica. Professor Emeritus, Department of Spanish and Portuguese, University of Toronto, and Professor of Merit. Doctor honoris causa from the University of Havana and the Order of Distinction from the government of Jamaica. He is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada. Author of the Foreword to Cuba–U.S. Relations: Obama and Beyond.

Julio Fonseca. M.A. Applied and Theoretical Linguistics. Department of Languages, Literatures and Linguistics York University, Toronto Course Director, Spanish and Portuguese Section, D.L.L.L., Spanish Business Communication and Culture, Schulich School of Business, York University.

Greetings from the Consul General of the Republic of Cuba in Toronto, Tania López Larroque.

Greetings from the Consul General of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela in Toronto, Luis Acuña Cedeño: “Views on Venezuela in the Book and the Current Situation.”

All author’s royalties from the sale of the book at this event will be donated to the CNC’s Hurricane Irma Relief & Reconstruction for Cuba Campaign. 

About the book:

Against the background of the history of Cuba–U.S. interconnectedness and in light of Obama’s ini­tiative and Trump’s election, Arnold August deals with the relationship between the two countries, delving into past and current U.S. aggression against Cuba’s artistic field, ideology and politics. Based on twenty years of fieldwork in and investigation of Cuba, this book provides a unique perspective on the island’s diverse approaches to the cultural war being waged by the U.S. and illustrates the heterogeneous nature of Cuban society.


“Arnold August brings to the task his finest gift, his superbly developed talent as a journalist, understanding this to mean the habit of assessing different aspects and representations of reality, so that he offers an ultimate fairness to the reasonable and humane reader. August constantly exhibits a related attribute: his remarkable power of analysis. The two together make the experience of reading him an enlightening one.”

— Keith Ellis

“This book could not have been more timely. With Fidel Castro’s death focusing outside attention on Cuba’s future and with Trump’s election throwing U.S.–Cuban “normalization” into question, Arnold August contests the common assumptions and public rhetoric about Cuban politics and about that ‘normalization.’”

— Antoni Kapcia, University of Nottingham

“August provides the reader with a bridge across time and nations to understand the changes that have led to the “normalization” of Cuba–U.S. relations and serves as a guide to the Trump future.”
— Helen Yaffe, London School of Economics

“Here at last for English-speaking readers is a full overview of U.S. relations with Cuba from Cuban points of view. The book is essential background for understanding whatever President Trump has in store.”
— Cliff DuRand, Morgan State University

Endorsed by:

Canadian Network on Cuba (CNC)

Canadian-Cuba Friendship Association CCFA, Toronto

Asociación de Cubanos en Toronto “Juan Gualberto Gómez”

The Hugo Chávez People’s Defense Front

The Worker to Worker Canada–Cuba Solidarity Network{%22ref%22:%22106%22,%22action_history%22:%22null%22}

Montreal Book Launch and Discussion: Cuba-U.S. Relations

Join us as we launch CUBA-U.S. RELATIONS:

OBAMA AND BEYOND by Arnold August

Trump and Cuba

NOUVEAU sur les relations Cuba/États-Unis. Le 29 septembre, les États-Unis ont décidé de retirer 27 personnes de son ambassade à La Havane en laissant une équipe de squelette. (Il a été rouvert à l’été 2015 à la suite de l’accord obtenu par les présidents Raúl Castro et Barack Obama le 17 décembre 2014.) Le 3 octobre, à 9 heures, le Département d’état étatsunien a téléphoné à l’ambassadeur cubain à Washington pour l’informer que 15 diplomates de Cuba doivent quitter les États-Unis dans les sept jours. Le même jour, à 15 heures, le ministre cubain des Affaires étrangères, Bruno Rodríguez, a tenu une conférence de presse à La Havane. Il a de nouveau rejeté la fausse accusation d’attaques « sonores» contre les diplomates étatsuniens.


Qu’est-ce qui se passe? Quels sont les faits?


Ce sera le thème principal de la présentation de Arnold August contextualisée dans l’analyse du livre sur la politique de Trump envers Cuba. Écoutez et discutez avec l’auteur Montréalais et l’expert sur Cuba alors qu’il lance son troisième livre sur Cuba dans sa ville natale.


NEW on Cuba-U.S. Relations! On September 29, the US decided to withdraw 27 people from its Embassy in Havana leaving only a skeleton staff. (It was re-opened in the summer of 2015 a result of the accord reached by Presidents Raúl Castro and Barack Obama on December 17, 2014.) On October 3 at 9 AM the U.S. State Department phoned the Cuban Ambassador to Washington informing him that 15 Cuba diplomats must leave the US within seven days. On the same day, at 3 PM, the Cuban Minister of Foreign Affairs, Bruno Rodríguez held a Press Conference in Havana. He once again strongly rejected the false accusation of “sonic” attacks against US diplomats.


What is happening? What are the facts?


This will be the main theme of his presentation contextualized in the book’s analysis of Trump’s Cuba policy. Listen to and discuss with Montreal author and Cuba expert Arnold August as he launches his third book on Cuba in his home town.

Montreal author Arnold August.

Refreshments will be served.

Admission is free.

Venez au lancement du livre CUBA-U.S. RELATIONS:


Trump et Cuba

par l’auteur Montréalais Arnold August.

Des boissons seront servies.

Entrée libre.

Librairie Paragraphe Bookstore / Fernwood Publishing

Wednesday/Mercredi October 11

6 PM to 7:30 PM

Librairie Paragraphe Bookstore

2220 McGill College Avenue

Montreal H3A 3P9

All author’s royalties from the sale of the book at this event will be donated to the Cuba Irma Recovery fund.

Toutes les redevances de l’auteur provenant de la vente du livre à cet événement seront versées au fonds de récupération de Irma Cuba.


Arnold August has an M.A. in political science from McGill University, Montreal, where he resides. An accomplished journalist, he contributes articles in English and Spanish to websites in the United States, Canada, Cuba, Latin America and Europe. Since 1997, he has spent extended periods in Cuba pursuing his intensive investigations.


Against the background of the history of Cuba–U.S. interconnectedness and in light of Obama’s initiative and Trump’s election, Arnold August deals with the relationship between the two countries, delving into past and current U.S. aggression against Cuba’s artistic field, ideology and politics. Based on twenty years of fieldwork in and investigation of Cuba, this book provides a unique perspective on the island’s diverse approaches to the cultural war being waged by the U.S. and illustrates the heterogeneous nature of Cuban society.


Titulaire d’une maîtrise en science politique de l’Université McGill, Arnold August réside à Montréal. Journaliste accompli, ses articles ont paru en anglais, en espagnol et certains en français sur des sites web aux États-Unis, au Canada, à Cuba, en Amérique latine et en Europe. Ses recherches l’ont conduit à effectuer de longs séjours à Cuba depuis 1997.


Dans le contexte de l’histoire tissée entre Cuba et les États-Unis et à la lumière de l’initiative prise par Obama ainsi que de l’élection de Trump, Arnold August traite des relations entre les deux pays, fouillant le passé et analysant l’agression en cours des États-Unis contre les arts, l’idéologie et le système politique cubains. Ce livre, fondé sur un travail de terrain et des recherches menés depuis vingt ans, offre une perspective unique sur les diverses formes que revêt la guerre culturelle menée par les États-Unis et illustre la nature hétérogène de la société cubaine.

Book Foreword by Dr. Keith Ellis.

Book Introduction by Ricardo Alarcón.

Message de salutations de Mara Bilbao Diáz, Consule Général de la République de Cuba, Montréal.

Greetings from Mara Bilbao Diáz, Consul Genaral de la République de Cuba, Montréal.

Message de salutations de Nidia Fajardo, Consule générale de la République bolivarienne du Venezuela à Montréal:  “Remarks on the Analysis of Venezuela Presented in the Book.”

Greetings from Nidia Fajardo, Consul General of the Bolivarian  Republic  of Venezuela in Montreal /

The publication features interviews with Cuban-based U.S.–Cuba experts Jesús Arboleya Cervera, Esteban Morales Domínguez, Elier Ramírez Cañedo, Iroel Sánchez Espinosa and Luis Toledo Sande.


In his third book on Cuba Arnold August highlights the many roadblocks on the way to normalization. Unlike many mainstream cubanologists who are blind to imperial arrogance, he places the onus squarely on U.S. prejudices. Regime change remains the ultimate objective under a new disguise.  A cultural war has been targeting the younger generations. New Plattists [annexationists] are showing up. August’s deft analysis, firmly grounded in a prolonged exposure to Cuban history and debates while mapping out the possible future developments, makes for an enlightening book.

— Claude Morin, professor (retired) of Latin American history, Université de Montréal.

Any open-minded discussion about the asymmetrical Cuba–U.S. relations should start with this highly readable, informative book.

— James D. Cockcroft, three-time Fulbright Scholar

This book could not have been timelier. With Fidel Castro’s death focusing outside attention on Cuba’s future and with Trump’s election throwing U.S.–Cuban “normalization” into question, Arnold August contests the common assumptions and public rhetoric about Cuban politics and about that “normalization.”

— Antoni Kapcia, University of Nottingham

August provides the reader with a bridge across time and nations to understand the changes that have led to the “normalization” of Cuba–U.S. relations and serves as a guide to the Trump future.

— Helen Yaffe, London School of Economics

An expert on Cuba, Arnold August offers a revealing view of the conflict between Washington and Havana and the foreign policy of the United States vis-à-vis the island.

— Salim Lamrani, Sorbonne Paris IV University

Here at last for English-speaking readers is a full overview of U.S. relations with Cuba from Cuban points of view. The book is essential background for understanding whatever President Trump has in store.

— Cliff DuRand, Morgan State University

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Introduction: Ricardo Alarcón, Foreword: Keith Ellis

Any open-minded discussion about the asymmetrical CubaUSRelations should start with this highly readable, informative book by ArnoldAugust

— James D. Cockcroft, three-time Fulbright Scholar

An expert on Cuba, ArnoldAugust offers a revealing view of the conflict between Washington and Havana and the foreign policy of the United States vis-à-vis the island.

— Salim Lamrani, Sorbonne Paris IV University

This book could not have been timelier. With Fidel Castro’s death focusing outside attention on Cuba’s future and with Trump’s election throwing U.S.–Cuban “normalization” into question, Arnold August contests the common assumptions and public rhetoric about Cuban politics and about that “normalization.”

— Antoni Kapcia, University of Nottingham

August provides the reader with a bridge across time and nations to understand the changes that have led to the “normalization” of CubaUSRelations and serves as a guide to the Trump future.

— Helen Yaffe, London School of Economics

Here at last for English-speaking readers is a full overview of U.S. relations with Cuba from Cuban points of view. The book is essential background for understanding whatever President Trump has in store.

— Cliff DuRand, Morgan State University

Arnold August is one of the foremost experts on Cuba and the 1959 Revolution, which continues to shake the world. In this new book, August puts forth a valuable, detailed account of U.S.–Cuba relations dating back to 1783 and continuing to the present time. August shows that this relationship has centred on the U.S.’s attempts, sometimes successfully, to dominate Cuba and exploit it as its own playground and, in the case of Guantánamo, as a maximum-security prison. As he shows, the 1959 Revolution broke the U.S. hold over Cuba, and the U.S. has tried desperately, and many times violently, to regain its control over the island. Obama opened diplomatic ties with Cuba for the first time in 50 years. August explains what this opening means for both countries, and where he sees U.S.–Cuba relations heading after the death of Fidel Castro at age 90 and the rise of U.S. President Donald Trump. For those who want a fresh and reasoned perspective on Cuba and U.S. relations — and with it a perspective very different from that which we get from the mainstream Western media — this book is a must-read.

— Daniel Kovalik, teacher of international human rights, University of Pittsburgh, School of Law

In his third book, August highlights the many roadblocks on the way to normalization. Unlike many mainstream “cubanologists”, who are blind to imperial arrogance, he places the onus squarely on U.S. prejudices. Regime change remains the ultimate objective under a new disguise. A cultural war has been targeting the younger generations. New Plattists [those in favour of annexation to the U.S.] are showing up. August’s deft analysis, firmly grounded in a prolonged exposure to Cuban history and debates while mapping out the possible future developments, makes for an enlightening book.

— Claude Morin, professor (retired) of Latin American history, Université de Montréal

Arnold August’s new book on Cuba dispels the propaganda and myths perpetuated by both the U.S. corporate media and the Obama administration and provides valuable insights into what we might expect from a Trump government in the post-Fidel era. August lays bare the realities of Obama’s policies toward Cuba by methodically revealing how his administration’s engagement with the island constituted a shift in tactics while retaining Washington’s decades-long objective of achieving regime change to bring the socialist nation back into the U.S. sphere of influence. It also highlights our narrow definition of democracy by challenging the repeated assertions that Cuba is a dictatorship. This book is a must-read for understanding the constantly evolving imperialist strategies of the United States, not only in Cuba, but throughout the world in the 21st century.

— Garry Leech, independent journalist and teacher of international politics, Cape Breton University

Arnold August’s bristling collection of interventions vigorously debunks U.S.-centric misrepresentations of Cuban society and of Obama’s new ‘regime change’ strategy. It also engages critically with Cuban intellectuals and bloggers fighting in the ‘Cultural War,’ challenging the Revolution’s cohesion since the 2014 ‘normalization’ process began. With its withering anti-imperialism and comradely criticism of Cuban realities, this timely book will open many eyes and raise many hackles.

— Steve Ludlam, senior lecturer (retired), University of Sheffield, and editorial board member, International Journal of Cuban Studies. Steve has since passed away. A great loss. We miss him.

In Cuba–U.S. Relations: Obama and Beyond, Arnold August provides an incisive analysis of the process that led to the rapprochement between the United States and Cuba under the leadership of Raúl Castro and Barack Obama, as well as further developments since. The book is a timely and valuable source of clear analysis of Cuba–U.S. relations at the dawn of the Trump era, and an indispensable tome for activists and others interested in furthering normalized relations between Cuba and the U.S. and asserting Cuba’s right to self-determination and sovereignty over all its territory.

— Pepe Ross, adjunct professor, University of Albany, State University of New York