Adán Chávez / Váyanse al Carajo, / Yanquis de Mierda!

Sentir Bolivariano

Adán Chávez Frías



¡Váyanse al Carajo, Yanquis de Mierda!


Hacemos un alto, por ahora, en las reflexiones que hemos venido realizando en artículos anteriores acerca de nuestra primera vida junto al Comandante Chávez, dada la necesidad de referirnos a la nueva arremetida del gobierno supremacista de Donald Trump contra el Pueblo de Venezuela y sus instituciones; una acción que se inscribe en los permanentes esfuerzos que realiza el decadente imperio norteamericano por tratar de dar al traste con el proyecto de amplias transformaciones que las venezolanas y los venezolanos hemos venido desarrollando desde el año 1999, cuando el líder histórico de la Revolución Bolivariana asumió por vez primera la Presidencia de la República.

Frente a esta prolongada y brutal arremetida, antes como ahora, el Gobierno y el Pueblo Bolivariano han mantenido una firme posición de defensa de la soberanía e independencia nacional, el bien más preciado que hemos reconquistado después de 200 años, como lo expresara el Comandante Chávez en el Plan de la Patria; una posición que ha sido consecuente, además, cuando la estabilidad de otros países hermanos de Nuestra América Latinocaribeña, ha sido amenazada por quien insiste en vernos como su patio trasero.


Recordemos como el líder histórico de la Revolución Bolivariana anunció el 11 de septiembre del año 2008, en un acto de presentación y apoyo a las candidatas y los candidatos del Partido Socialista Unido de Venezuela (Psuv) a la Gobernación y Alcaldías del estado Carabobo; que el Gobierno Bolivariano otorgaba un plazo de 72 horas al entonces embajador gringo en Venezuela, Patrick Duddy, para que abandonara nuestro país; ordenando, al mismo tiempo, el regreso inmediato a la Patria del compañero Bernardo Álvarez, quien se desempeñaba como Embajador ante Washington.

El Comandante Chávez adoptaba esta medida en solidaridad con el hermano Pueblo boliviano y el compañero Presidente Evo Morales, cuyo gobierno mantenía una dura disputa diplomática con el de Estados Unidos, por su intromisión en los asuntos internos de ese país, como suele ocurrir, en apoyo a los sectores de derecha arrodillados a los designios imperiales. Tanto La Paz como Washington habían expulsado a sus respectivos representantes diplomáticos.

Así, durante la intervención a la que acabamos de hacer mención, nuestro Comandante Eterno expresó: “Váyanse al carajo yanquis de mierda, que aquí hay un Pueblo digno…aquí estamos los hijos de Bolívar, los hijos de Guaicaipuro, los hijos de Tupac Amarú, y estamos resueltos a ser libres…Si viniera algún país, si viniera alguna agresión contra Venezuela, pues no habrá petróleo para el Pueblo ni para el gobierno de los Estados Unidos, nosotros, yanquis de mierda, sépanlo, estamos resueltos a ser libres, pase lo que pase y cuéstenos lo que nos cueste…”. Sin duda, un mandato del Comandante Chávez que sigue totalmente vigente.


Y es que el Comandante Chávez fue un vehemente defensor de la dignidad nacional y latinocaribeña, amenazada permanentemente por el enemigo histórico de nuestros Pueblos; aún en tiempos en los que la humanidad entera libra una batalla sin precedentes en los últimos años, en los que seguimos siendo objeto de la saña yanqui, caracterizada en este momento por la profundización de la guerra económica y las amenazas de invasión militar contra el país, y por la pretensión de aplicarle la “fórmula Noriega” al Presidente Maduro y otros dirigentes de la Revolución Bolivariana.

Ahora bien, es cierto que después del golpe de Estado del año 2002, contra el Gobierno Bolivariano dirigido por el Comandante-Presidente Hugo Chávez, la inmensa mayoría de las venezolanas y los venezolanos -fundamentalmente la clase trabajadora, las campesinas y los campesinos de la Patria-, fortaleció sus convicciones revolucionarias, defendiendo frente a cada arremetida del peligroso vecino del norte, el proyecto de transformaciones profundas propuesto por el líder histórico de la Revolución Bolivariana; hoy bajo la conducción del compañero Presidente Nicolás Maduro.

Por supuesto, ello no significa que se resolvieron los problemas propios de la lucha de clases presentes en la sociedad; y que el camino de allí en adelante haya sido llano y sin tropiezos. Sabemos que no ha sido así, y que nuestro Pueblo, con un alto grado de organización y consciencia, ha venido enfrentando diversos obstáculos, entre los cuales están las situaciones generadas en el país después del resultado de las elecciones parlamentarias de diciembre de 2015.

De allí que, ante un previsible escenario de continuidad de la agresión gringa, y a pesar de lo mucho que hemos avanzado hasta ahora; necesario es seguir fortaleciendo nuestra consciencia del deber social, a objeto de que no tengan cabida alguna las deserciones, las divisiones y los antivalores con los que las fuerzas contrarevolucionarias pretenden debilitar a ese Pueblo organizado y consciente; que seamos capaces de derrotar definitivamente el egoísmo, el individualismo y el reformismo; y de blindarnos frente a la brutal campaña antibolivariana desatada por las grandes corporaciones mediáticas mundiales.

Toca, además, fortalecer el rol del Partido Socialista Unido de Venezuela (Psuv) y del Gran Polo Patriótico; y, de manera particular, de las y los dirigentes de la revolución, en la orientación y la formación debida del heroico y patriota Pueblo venezolano. El papel de la vanguardia revolucionaria, que orienta, dirige y aprende en la práctica conjunta; es clave.

En definitiva, resulta necesario aprovechar la coyuntura que estamos viviendo, ante la feroz arremetida del imperio, para continuar consolidando nuestro movimiento cívico-militar, cada vez más enraizado en el ideario bolivariano y chavista. Es el momento de actualizar permanentemente nuestro plan estratégico para cambiar la sociedad heredada, en lo teórico y en el programa de acción socialista; para que hierva con más fuerza la sangre rebelde en nuestras venas y consciencias. Apliquemos, con todo lo que signifique, las tres “R” al cuadrado que nos legó el Comandante Chávez; en cuya defensa de su legado siempre Venceremos.


VENEZUELA What evaluation are we left with for February 23?


What evaluation are we left with for February 23?

By: Marco Teruggi, February 23, 2019.

TeleSur. Translation by Arnold August


The confrontation of [February 23] recalled the violent street strategies deployed during 2014 and 2017 by the right in several cities of the country, known as guarimbas.


On February 23, the day of the announced entry of humanitarian aid to Venezuela came and went. The apocalyptic predictions did not take place, Nicolás Maduro did not fall, Juan Guaidó remained in Cúcuta,[Colombia], the country did not enter into a cinematographic confrontation. Lots of tension? A lot, particularly in the border area that separates the two countries through three bridges over an almost dry river: Simón Bolívar, Tienditas, and Santander. On one side Táchira, the cities of San Antonio and Ureña [Venezuela] on the other North of Santander, with the city of Cúcuta.


The day started early with what was expected, a head-on pressure with media force on the bridges. The actions had moments of euphoria, due for example to that a handful of members of the Bolivarian National Guard (GNB) decided to join the ranks of Trump-Rubio-Duque-Guaidó. The euphoria dropped and with the passing of the hours the certainty was formed that neither the people nor the trucks would pass to the other side to Venezuela.


That situation resulted in two central elements. On the one hand, the deployment of a permanent confrontation on the Bolívar and Santander bridges, to which was added an attempt to occupy the San Antonio airport that was deactivated, and on the other the use of trucks with humanitarian aid.


The confrontation recalled the violent street strategies deployed during 2014 and 2017 by the right-wing in several cities of the country, known as guarimbas. With the difference of them now being concentrated on international bridges and having the explicit support of the security bodies of the Colombian State. The cycle was repeated: move towards the Venezuelan side, back off, try to pass under the bridge in the case of Simón Bolívar. What should a government do when faced with an internationally financed attempt to invade guarimba?


The use of the trucks had three central moments. The first was to show some caravans on the way to the bridges and to exploit the images through the media, the second to lie when affirming that they had entered Venezuela -as the Venezuelan singer Nacho did when the day was over- and the third to generate a false picture, as was the burning of two trucks. The matrix was to accuse the GNB, when it was filmed the perpetrators were young front-line confrontation seekers.


The fire of the gandolas [trucks] seems to have been planned and resulted in the accusation against Nicolás Maduro of having committed a crime against humanity, the escalation of international threats, such as that also twitted by US Senator Marco Rubio, who said that Venezuela had been firing in Colombian territory, and that the United States would defend Colombia in case of aggression.


The truth is that, outside of those episodes, what they had announced did not happen. Humanitarian aid did not enter Venezuela at any point, not by Colombia, not by Brazil or by sea, there was no breakdown of the Bolivarian National Armed Force, the bridges resembled the images already known in the violent strategy of the right, now in a more complex framework. If it was the final day it was not, if it was the breaking point it does not seem to have been in the dimension that was announced. Once again, the disillusion of the social base of the opposition was increased, confronted with the distance between the promises of its leaders -which are now international- and the real correlations of strength.


Chavismo, for its part, mobilized in Caracas, it was its fifth consecutive mobilization in five days. In this context, the government announced the breakdown of relations with the Colombian government as a central measure, in addition to the decisions made in previous days to close the borders with Brazil, Colombia, and the islands of Aruba, Bonaire and Curaçao.


The result at the end of February 23 was a great offensive that was supposed to be the end, did not achieve its objectives, and a Venezuelan government that remained upright before the onslaught that, as it was known, hit simultaneously on several flanks: armed, media, psychological, diplomatic, territorial. That final evaluatio was the expected one according to the real forces -without effect inflated by social networks- and without the appearance of a new statement by Elliot Abrams, Iván Duque or Marco Rubio.


There is another evaluation, which is the amount of false news, constructions of rumors, untested data, without credible sources. It is part of the avalanche, the daze, the justification of new possible actions. The case of the burned trucks was the clearest on the 23rd. The difficulty often lies in confirming sources, numbers, truthfulness of the facts, something that is usually swept away in the logic of war that has the communication operation as the backbone. Nobody should be surprised by an American lie in an assault, the right to innocence is forbidden, the need for suspicion is permanent.


What will happen on the 24th or 25th? It is early to know, it seems, by how events have occurred, that they could continue the pressures on the bridges without real capacity to enter Venezuela, and the rise of threats and international meetings will increase such as the one announced for the 25th with the Lima Group with the presence of Mike Pence. Maybe they can create a false image of high magnitude. Rubio already announced the night of the 22nd to the 23rd when he wrote about the possibility that the National Liberation Army of Colombia assassinate civilians. He announced what they themselves seem willing to do, how to disguise it, and from there justify new actions, and move from the “humanitarian aid” form to a new scheme.


The border come to an end in a tense night, as if something could happen at any moment. We are in complex hours and days, where one of the central objectives of the Venezuelan government, of Chavismo, is to prevent actions-traps, images of violence, violence itself, which left 42 injured on the Venezuelan side on the 23rd. An idea of ​​the social climate on Saturday night is given by the tendency of Twitter, where five of the most trending hashtags are to ask for international intervention. The certainty is that they will not be able to overthrow Nicolás Maduro, democratically elected, by their own efforts, and seems to be the majority.

(Translation: Arnold August)


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New! Venezuela and Cuba. Toronto.

Everyone welcome. Toronto, October 13.

Miguel Díaz-Canel, first vice president of Cuba’s Councils of State and Ministers gave a speech during the ceremony marking the 50th anniversary of the death of Che and his compañero. He said:

“Political interests in the sister Republic of Venezuela are attempting to prevent Venezuelans from freely exercising their right to self-determination, with the United States applying unjust sanctions. However, faithful to our internationalist vocation, we once again reaffirm Cuba’s support for the Bolivarian and Chavista people and the government led by Nicolás Maduro.”

At the Toronto book launch of CUBA–U.S. RELATIONS, Arnold August will deal (among others) with this issue of Venezuela in the context of the analysis in his book: The Obama Cuba policy is part of the new American offensive to regain control over Latin America, including both Venezuela and Cuba, using the “carrot” for Cuba (now with the Trump trademark) and “stick” (Venezuela) policy. However, this does not work as Miguel Díaz-Canel just confirmed.

We are honoured with the presence of the Consul General of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela in Toronto, Luis Acuña Cedeño, who will have a message of greetings and be available in the question and answer period.

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